To make sure you just have to make sure you hear your own voice back on WhatsApp. To know if the person is recording your audio with or without the video is easy. When you’re on a call it is difficult to say if the person has run the screen recorder on his phone to record the video call. You need to tell the user that you’re not comfortable with the call being recorded and ask him to stop the recording if he has already started it. If you are suspicious that a call is being recorded on WhatsApp, you can directly ask the user if he’s recording the call or not. There might not be any beep sound if the user is using a hidden screen recorder to record the WhatsApp video call. If you hear a beep sound, it means that the user has started recording the call. You need to be aware and listen carefully if you can hear any beep sound or not. This app, when it starts recording, sometimes makes a beep sound which alerts the user that the call is being recorded. If someone is recording the WhatsApp video call, he may use apps and tools to do so. Look and check if you can see any camera or other device on the user’s hand that he might be using for recording the call. If the user is recording the call secretly, his behavior would not be normal and he would act nervous and weird. If you’re suspicious that someone is recording the video call with you on WhatsApp, you need to keep an eye on the hand movement of the user.

How To Know If Someone Is Recording WhatsApp Call: Does WhatsApp Give notifications for video call recording? Is WhatsApp Video Call Recorded Automatically? Is WhatsApp Video Call Recorded On the Server? Can I Screen Record WhatsApp Video Calls Without The Other Person Knowing? How To Prevent WhatsApp Video Call Recording:.How To Know If Someone Is Recording WhatsApp Call:.